Facing this error when publishing to Server 1.17:
Error: Dataset cannot be published to SAP Lumira™ Server; publishing to SAP HANA layer failed. Reason: '<Not available>'. (HDB 11009)
[24906]{-1}[-1/-1] 2014-06-16 20:03:34.014520 e xsa:sap.bi.launc sap.bi.launchpad.logic.lib:ResponseHandler.xsjslib(00119) : InternalError: dberror(CallableStatement.execute): 8 - invalid argument: [8] "_SYS_BIC"."sap.bi.launchpad.db.havana_procedures/HAVANA_GET_USER_PACKAGE": line 16 col 5 (at pos 786): [8] (range 3): invalid argument: SELECT without WHERE clause USER_NAME = ... not supported at ptime/session/eapi/jdbc/ExternalStatement.cc:908
File: /sap/bi/launchpad/logic/v2/UserServiceResource.xsjs
Line: 184
Any ideas would be much appreciated.