I'm struggling for several days on this topic.
Already found lots of info on scn.sap.com.
But I still can't understand why MARD seems to crash my vba macro ... which works perfectly on other tables.
I'm using the code below to extract SAP data onto Excel spreadsheets.
I tested with MARC, MBEW, MARA... it all works perfect.
But if I put "MARD" then I get "SYSTEM FAILURE".
Does anybody have any idea about what should I do ?
Thanks a lot in advance.
VBA code below :
Sub getSAPdata()
Set sapConn = CreateObject("SAP.Functions") 'Create ActiveX object
If sapConn.Connection.Logon(0, False) <> True Then 'Try Logon
MsgBox "no SAP connection"
End If
Set objRfcFunc = sapConn.Add("RFC_READ_TABLE")
Set objQueryTab = objRfcFunc.Exports("QUERY_TABLE")
Set objRowCount = objRfcFunc.Exports("ROWCOUNT")
objRowCount.Value = "99999999"
Set objOptTab = objRfcFunc.Tables("OPTIONS")
Set objFldTab = objRfcFunc.Tables("FIELDS")
Set objDatTab = objRfcFunc.Tables("DATA")
objQueryTab.Value = "MARD" 'TABLE. Works with MARC, MBEW, MARA... not with MARD ?!?
objOptTab(objOptTab.RowCount, "TEXT") = "MATNR = 'DTR0000122361-A'"
objFldTab(objFldTab.RowCount, "FIELDNAME") = "MATNR"
If objRfcFunc.call = False Then
MsgBox objRfcFunc.Exception 'I get "SYSTEM FAILURE" with MARD
End If
Dim objDatRec As Object
Dim objFldRec As Object
For Each objDatRec In objDatTab.Rows
For Each objFldRec In objFldTab.Rows
Cells(objDatRec.Index + 1, objFldRec.Index) = _
Mid(objDatRec("WA"), objFldRec("OFFSET") + 1, objFldRec("LENGTH"))
End Sub