In one of our payment terms conditions, nothing is being printed on the invoice.
I have done much debugging on this. Many people believe that T052U is where the payment terms text comes from and this is true if in fact there is an english translation for the terms in T052U (we run in English). In part of the print processor, this is true however in our case, there are no english translations in this table, therefore nothing prints. The codes says, if you find a match, use it. If not, leave it as is.
I looked at another one where the terms were printing and verified that it did not have payment terms in english in T052U. I put a debugger in and learned that in fact the payment terms (VBDKR-ZTERM_TX1) are being populated within the function module called RV_BILLING_PRINT_VIEW. However, in looking in this function module I see nothing that maps to VBDKR-ZTERM_TX1.
Ultimately I need to find out what table this function module is getting the terms from.
Does anyone know the table(s) besides T052U that would have payment terms or how that function module produces the terms?