Example Posted Here
JSON Data is the following
//The basic Test Data
var listData = {
Plants: [ {
plant: "Plant ABC",
id: "9001",
}, {
plant: "Plant DEF",
id: "9002",
And the Search and LiveChange work by filtering on the plant element
var selectFilter = new sap.ui.model.Filter("plant", sap.ui.model.FilterOperator.Contains , sVal);
One of the key differences with both the Select Dialog and Table Select Dialog, are they have no render engine in them as they are Helper Controls, AKA a combination of standard SAPUI5 Controls packaged into another Control.
This means to get the data here is a bit different as the bound elements get passed down to the child control. So you need to get them this way.
var itemsBinding = oEvent.getParameter("itemsBinding");
Hope this helps