Hi Aziz,
Not getting your question ? Are you trying to color the cells in ALV grid?
Assuming like you trying to set color in ALV Application
1. To set color to entire row of ALV
a) Crate a field in internal table like
color_row(4) TYPE c,
b) Fill the color code to applicable internal table records like
l_disptab-color_row = 'C600'.
Note Down
- Color variable with colour properties
- Char 1 = C (This is a color property)
- Char 2 = 6 (Color codes: 1 - 7)
- Char 3 = Intensified on/off ( 1 or 0 )
- Char 4 = Inverse display on/off ( 1 or 0 )I think
c) In ALV layout structure mention the color code holding FIELD Name to INFO_FNAME
l_layout-info_fname = 'COLOR_ROW'.
2. To set color to individual cell of ALV
a) Create field type LVC_T_SCOL in internal table
b) Fill the details like which are coloums , what are color codes for applicable records
l_cellcolor-fname = 'FNOTXT' .
l_cellcolor-color-col = '4' .
l_cellcolor-color-int = '1' .
l_cellcolor-color-inv = '1' .
INSERT l_cellcolor TO p_l_final-cellcolors .
Note LVC_T_SCOL is sorted atble
Thanks & Regards,